Table lamp dimming circuit

Table lamp dimming circuit

Table lamp dimming circuit is shown in the figure. The circuit is composed of a unidirectional thyristor, and a phase shift circuit is formed by using C and RP to form a trigger voltage. By changing the RP, the conduction angle of the thyristor can be adjusted to achieve voltage regulation.

360V DC Power Supply

APM 360V switching power supply could be widely used for charging 48V battery system. You can quickly and easily operate the power supply with its rotary knobs and buttons. Besides, free monitoring software for you to remote control. External control is also supported.

This 360V series also covers 48 volt power supply .At present, battery widely adopts 3-stage charging algorithm, the DC Power Supply supports switch over between CC mode and CV mode, which can be set flexibly according to the display of the power supply`s voltage to choose to enter quick charge phase, equalized charge phase or floating charge phase.

Some features of the power supply as below:

  • Ultrafast respond time and high efficiency.
  • Accurate voltage and current measurement capability
  • Constant Power and wide range of voltage and current output
  • Equips with LIST waveform editing function
  • Compliant with SCPI communication protocol
  • Support RS232/RS485/LAN/USB (standard) ,GPIB (optional)
  • Master/Slave parallel and series operation mode for up to 10 units
  • Built-in standard automobile electrical testing curves
  • Voltage drop compensation by remote sense line.

360V DC Power Supply,AC DC Variable Power Supply,Bench Power Supply,Desktop Power Supply

APM Technologies Ltd ,