Power transformer naming rules and capacity rules
Basic model + design serial number - rated capacity (kVA) / high voltage voltage measurement, such as: S7-315/10, three-phase copper core 10kV transformer, capacity 315kVA, design number 7 is energy-saving dry-type transformer; another example is SCB10- 1000Kva/10Kv/0.4kV, S means that this transformer is a three-phase transformer. If S is changed to D, it means that the transformer is single-phase. The meaning of C means that the winding of this transformer is a resin cast solid. B means foil winding, if it is R, it is represented as winding winding, if it is L, it is expressed as aluminum winding, if it is Z, it is indicated as on-load voltage regulation (copper is not marked). The meaning of 10 is the design serial number, also called the technical serial number. 1000kVA represents the rated capacity of this transformer (1000 kVA). 10kV means a rated voltage, and 0.4kV means a secondary rated voltage. Solar Accessories,Solar Panel And Battery Kit,Solar Power Kit,Solar Panel Kit Easun Power Technology Corp Limited , https://www.epinverter.com