Hideo Kojima: VR will change the mainstream viewing habits that have lasted for 120 years.

Japanese legendary game developer Kojima Hideo has been able to make a great difference in recent years. Since the "Metal Gear" series has become famous, he has established his own company with Sony after splitting up with KONAMI, a long-time cooperative game company. Kojima Hideo's public image has always been an innocent talented developer. Now he is a boss, and he is even more unscrupulous. In a recent interview, he can finally blame his true attitude towards virtual reality.

He believes: "This year is a year of VR, and the screen viewing culture has not gone out of the mainstream in the past 120 years, so I think VR will significantly change the fields of entertainment, life, education, culture, etc., not just It is a game.” One of the main works of Hideo Kojima in the next year will be “Wild Dart 2”, and he has been deliberately approaching VR recently. He recently expressed doubts about the current direction of VR development: "VR's innovation in the way users receive information is unprecedented, but no one has really officially reformed it. Most people just use VR as a new feature of traditional games. As a star in the game industry, his attitude is so vivid, and Kojima Hideo's support for VR is not limited to paper. He joined the board of VR Prologue Immersive in August this year.

Hideo Kojima: VR will change the mainstream viewing habits that have lasted for 120 years.

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