Cornell University creates a soft robotic hand that can feel the shape and texture

Sometimes robotic hands need to be very strong and can grip objects very tightly, while some robotic hands need to be very delicate to prevent them from harming humans or damaging the fragile items they may hold. Cornell researchers have invented a soft robotic hand that gently holds an object and senses the shape and texture of the object.

The team of scientists said that soft robotic hands can be used in warehouses and food processing, while also helping to improve prosthetics. Conventionally, a robot hand is made of a hard part having a joint and a motor for operation, and the part must be made of something capable of conducting electricity. These robotic hands developed by Cornell University now only need to be made of materials that conduct light.

Cornell University creates soft robotic hands that can feel shape textures

Researchers say that the robotic hands they developed do not need to use a motor to drive each joint. The robotic hand is soft and has many sensors on the surface and in the hand. This soft robotic hand is closer to the human hand.

The light signal passes through the waveguide inside the finger, and when the flexible robot hand touches the object, the waveguide bends, deforms or changes the light signal, thereby allowing the robot to collect data of the touch object. The breakthrough of soft robot hands has meant that these robotic hands can be made with cheaper materials, which can eventually lead to cheaper prostheses and give the wearer a sense of touch. The team estimates that their soft robot hands can cost less than $50.

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