What is the reason for the red flashing alarm of the inverter?

The inverter converts DC power (battery, battery) into alternating current (typically 220V, 50Hz sine wave). It consists of an inverter bridge, control logic and filter circuits. Widely used in air conditioners, home theaters, electric grinding wheels, power tools, sewing machines, DVD, VCD, computers, televisions, washing machines, range hoods, refrigerators, video recorders, massagers, fans, lighting, etc. In foreign countries, because of the high penetration rate of automobiles, you can use the inverter to connect the battery to drive electrical appliances and various tools. The on-board inverter output through the cigarette lighter is 20W, 40W, 80W, 120W to 150W power specifications. More power inverter power supplies are connected to the battery through the cable. Connecting appliances to the output of the power converter allows for the use of various appliances in the car. The appliances that can be used include: mobile phones, notebook computers, digital video cameras, cameras, lights, electric razors, CD players, game consoles, PDAs, power tools, car refrigerators, and various travel, camping, medical emergency appliances. Wait.

What is the reason for the red flashing alarm of the inverter?

The reason why the inverter red light flashes the alarm

1. The rated power of the electrical appliance exceeds the nominal power of the inverter;

2. The electrical power is less than the nominal power of the inverter, and the peak power is too high, causing the overload to be turned off;

3. The battery power is discharged (inverter alarm);

4, poor ventilation, causing over-temperature shutdown;

5. The input voltage is too high.

What is the reason for the red flashing alarm of the inverter?

Corresponding solution

1. Use an appliance with a power less than the nominal power of the inverter;

2. The peak power of the appliance exceeds the peak power of the inverter, and the appliance with the peak power and the inverter power is used;

3. Charge or replace the battery;

4. Turn off the inverter and cool for 15 minutes. Clearly remove the fan and the items around the converter, place the inverter in a cool place, reduce the load as required, and restart.

5. Check the working status of the charging system, and the battery output voltage is 12V.

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