IKEA is committed to LED lighting promise to sell only LED lights since September 2015
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An LED lamp can last up to 20 years, and LED lamps consume 85% less energy than incandescent lamps. Since 2011, IKEA has started to stop selling incandescent bulbs in its North American retail stores. Not only that, but in August this year, IKEA Greentech also invested in Design LED Products, a company specializing in energy-efficient LED lighting in Scotland, focusing on LEDs. R&D design.
Compared with traditional incandescent lamps, the high price of LED lamps is an important reason hindering their large-scale popularity. But with the improvement of IKEA's production process, the further application of automation and the changes in design and materials, IKEA will sell LED lights to consumers at a more affordable price. Let LED become a sustainable everyday lighting technology that affordable for the average family.
Currently, IKEA China is in the second year of LED promotion activities. From November 2nd to December 27th, IKEA Foundation will donate 1 Euro to the UNHCR for every LED bulb sold in IKEA China. In the first year of the LED event, the IKEA Foundation donated 7.7 million euros to the UNHCR.