LED applications are widely favored by the lighting industry

The world's light source revolution is accelerating, and a new type of light source called "Light Emitting Diode (LED)" has fully demonstrated its energy-saving "talent" and is favored by more and more special lighting fields. LED lights have been confirmed to be unveiled at the closing ceremony of the Special Olympics. The architectural lighting of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games swimming pool "Water Cube" is openly tendered, and Shencheng LED enterprises have joined the competition. The reporter learned from the Municipal Science and Technology Commission that due to the early resolution of two key technical problems, high-brightness LEDs are expected to “expand” the general lighting market from the next year, illuminating the daily life of the people in Shanghai.

Cost-saving energy-saving master

According to information provided by Li Yizhi, an engineer at the Shanghai Semiconductor Lighting Engineering Technology Research Center, 12% to 15% of the total electricity consumption in Shanghai is used for lighting. If LED lighting is used instead of a light bulb, it can save about 70%. Ordinary incandescent lamp power is generally 40 ~ 60W, while LED lights only need 3 ~ 6W, and can extend the life to 30,000 ~ 50,000 hours, although the price of LED lighting equipment is more expensive than ordinary light bulbs, but these additional costs will be Come back in 3 to 5 years.

At present, the cost of LED is decreasing at a rate of 20% per year. It is estimated that LED lamps for general lighting will increase significantly next year.

All-round high quality new light source

Replacing neon lights on landscape lighting, saving 70%; replacing incandescent lamps on traffic lights, saving 80%; current luminous efficiency is higher than incandescent lamps, and is expected to exceed fluorescent lamps in 2010, accounting for 15% to 20% of global electricity consumption. In the general lighting field, the energy saving effect will be more significant. Countries around the world are generally optimistic about the development prospects of LED lighting. In the United States, the European Union, Japan, and South Korea, in recent years, they have tailored their promotion plans for LEDs and assigned them to the task.

In agriculture, LEDs and solar cells can be combined to make plant lights: during the day, let the plants absorb the nutrients in the sun, and at night, use the solar energy collected during the day to let the LED lights emit the light of the wavelength required by the plants and increase the yield of the crops. . In addition, the LED can be adjusted to a cold light source that does not emit purple light, and is used for underwater illumination without moss.

At present, LED has been widely used in landscape lighting, architectural exterior lighting, traffic lights, road lighting, large-size LCD TV backlights and automotive lighting. Many buildings around us have also adopted LED lights, such as the Bund, Oriental Pearl, International Conference Center, Wujiaochang Egg, Donghai Bridge, Chongming Qianwei Village, etc., and have planned or implemented semiconductor lighting demonstration projects. It is reported that the city will also organize the top ten reviews in the buildings using LED landscape lighting in the near future.

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A solid state light source made of a semiconductor chip. It uses electronic movement to illuminate and directly converts electrical energy into light energy. The conversion efficiency is as high as 68%, which is more than 5 times that of incandescent lamps. Therefore, the power consumption of LEDs is only 1/10 of that of conventional bulbs, and its service life is 100 times. It is estimated that if one-third of the country's traditional lighting is replaced by LEDs, a Three Gorges hydropower station will be saved each year.