Deng Qingyun, the father of OLED, uncovers the secret of OLED for you
OLED is regarded as the next-generation display technology, and has been applied in small-sized fields such as mobile phones, and the TV is ready to go. Since OLED is the focus of attention, do you know enough about OLED? Regardless of whether the answer is affirmative or negative, I hope that you can read this article well, I believe that you can have a deeper understanding of OLED. The father of OLED is a Chinese scientist Due to the lack of reports on the history of OLEDs, most of the OLED products have been launched by Japan and South Korea in recent years, such as Sony's 11-inch OLED TV XEL-1 in 2007; CES in 2012, Samsung and LG's 55-inch OLED TV. Everyone seems to think that OLED was invented by the Japanese. In fact, the father of OLED is Dr. Deng Qingyun, a Chinese scientist. Dr. Deng Qingyun was born in Hong Kong in 1947. He received his BS in Chemistry from the University of British Columbia in 1970 and his Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry from Cornell University in 1975. Since then, he has been a research scientist at the Kodak Research Laboratory in Rochester, New York, and began his career in the development of organic semiconductor materials and electronic applications. In 2006, Dr. Deng Qingyun was elected as an academician of the American Academy of Engineering for his groundbreaking achievements in organic light-emitting diodes and heterojunction organic solar cells. In 2011, Professor Deng and Professor Stuart Rice of the University of Chicago and Professor Kritztov Matzaviski of Carnegie Mellon University won the Wolff Chemistry Prize from the Wolff Foundation. This is the international award after the Nobel Prize in the field of chemistry. Most of the new scientific discoveries begin with some unexpectedly small incidents, and the discovery of OLEDs is no exception. One night in 1979, Dr. Deng Qingyun, a Chinese scientist who was engaged in scientific research at Kodak Company, suddenly remembered that he had forgotten things in the laboratory on his way home. When he returned to the lab, he found that an organic battery for experimentation shone in the dark! This unexpected surprise kicked off the birth of OLED, and Dr. Deng was therefore called the "father of OLED." "Father of OLED" - Dr. Deng Qingyun, a Chinese scientist In the early days of OLED history, organic electroluminescence technology was at the level of high driving voltage, low brightness and low efficiency. These difficulties made OLED impractical, which made the research work of OLED not pay attention. Until 1987, Dr. Deng Qingyun from Kodak Company of the United States invented the OLED module with multi-layer structure by vacuum evaporation, which greatly improved the performance of the module. Its low operating voltage and high brightness commercial application potential attracted global look.
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