iRobot Launches New Flagship Smart Sweeping Robot Roomba 960

Last week, iRobot released the new Roomba 960, ready to make a bluff. It is a new member of the flagship Smart Sweeping Robot 900 series. The Roomba 960 has no technical breakthrough. Compared to the Roomba 980 introduced last year, it is even slightly degraded. Fortunately, it is a lot cheaper - this is the iRobot's price advantage in order to save Roomba 980 sales. The 900 series is still the preferred product for consumers who want to have a wireless sweeper, app, and VSLAM-enabled sweeper robot.

Although compared to the Roomba 980, the Roomba 960 lacks a lithium-ion battery and no Gen 3 engine, but it still has the following advantages:

It is equipped with the Roomba 600 and Roomba 700 series of vacuum systems, but its air cleaning system power is five times that of the entry series (AeroVac system), which means that the Roomba 960 is more powerful suction, cleaning efficiency is also higher. At the same time, the Roomba 960 is equipped with all the advanced features of the high-end series such as Roomba 800 and Roomba 900, enabling wireless control and supporting smart applications. When the Roomba 960 is connected to the iRobot Home App, it can automatically generate homeowner's internal maps, draw work routes, and sweep through iRobot's artificial intelligence visual navigation system. Other high-end features include a non-wrapped debris handling system, automatic charge re-entry, Direct Detect Series II, and more.  

In addition to sweeping robots, iRobot has also updated the app's support for the Braava jet. The user can set the Braava jet's cleaning options on the phone and use it with the Roomba series to increase the efficiency of the clean room. This app supports Android and iOS systems.

The Roomba 960 is currently available in the North American market for $700. As a flagship, such conscience prices are loved by consumers. But people are looking forward to seeing new models of the next year have more connectivity and more cool graphics capabilities, and even do something more powerful.

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