Li-Fi wireless data transmission technology


Li-fi is the abbreviation of "Light Fidelity", which is a brand-new wireless data transmission technology developed by the famous British physicist Harald Haas, which can use ordinary electric bulbs to complete the entire process. While turning on the room lights, the user also turned on the Internet connection. This device, called Li-fi, can be used to transmit wireless data from the TV band "white space" or unused satellite signals. This invention is called "D-Light", which transmits data by changing the frequency of room lighting. The data transmitted per second exceeds 10Mb, which is comparable to a typical broadband connection. It can be used in hospitals, airports, military and even underwater.

Li-fi inventor:

The inventor of Li-fi is Harald Haas, a professor and a famous physicist at the School of Engineering, University of Edinburgh, UK.

Li-fi R & D:

The radio wave data transmission method is not efficient. With the help of mobile phones, there are now 1.4 million base stations responsible for signal enhancement, but most of the energy is used for cooling, and the efficiency is only 5%. In contrast, there are 40 billion light bulbs used in the world, so it has higher efficiency. As long as the traditional incandescent lamp is replaced with an LED lamp, the light bulb can be turned into a wireless network transmitter.

The current wireless data transmission method is inefficient electromagnetic waves, especially radio waves. Radio waves have many limitations, they are relatively rare, expensive and only have a certain band. These limitations make it impossible to keep up with the pace of wireless data, making efficiency impossible. Light is part of the electromagnetic spectrum, and it should be a great practice for wireless communication.

The space of the visible spectrum is 10,000 times that of radio waves, making it the most ideal band to use. In a speech, Haas showed a table lamp using LED lights that can transmit data like a receiver under the table. As long as you put your hand in the beam, the video signal will be transmitted to the screen behind you. Once the signal is blocked, it will stop playing.

Li-fi principle:

The principle of Li-fi is that it is completely feasible to encode information in light according to different rates. For example, LED on means 1 and off means 0, and information can be transmitted through a fast switch. Due to the luminous intensity of the LED, the human eye will not notice the rapid change of light.

The core of this technology is a new generation of high-brightness light-emitting diodes. The principle is actually very simple. When the LED is on, it means transmitting a digital one, and when it is off, it transmits a zero. The LED can quickly switch between light and dark, so that it can effectively transmit data.

Li-fi application:

Visible light communication will be much cheaper than WiFi. It uses light instead of radio waves to transmit signals. In theory, aircraft passengers can use the optical signals emitted from the cabin to surf the Internet. Any place with light is a potential source of data transmission. The application prospect of this technology is beyond our imagination. All we have to do is to install microchips for all potential lighting devices, connect the lighting and data transmission, and solve the wireless communication problems we face.

However, this technology has not yet been integrated with smartphones, and I hope this can be done soon.  

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