Analysis of SOC design problems for low-power audio and video
Q1: How do I know that the designed high-fidelity audio signal is not distorted? This article refers to the address: http:// A1: When designing audio, you know whether it has high fidelity. It comes from your test of decoding or encoding this audio . You will have a high-fidelity sound source. It may be uncompressed and give a decoding example. To clarify, you will first compress the high-fidelity sound source, which is the encoding action. After this encoding, it will be used for decoding. The same source of coded code is used in the decoding process according to the algorithm used by each family. The signal that is solved may be different. This signal is compared with your original signal. In the past, we have experienced with the customer, the audio solution provided by Tensilica, the signal-to-noise ratio decoded by it is quite low, if the letter If the noise ratio is very good, it means that in the process of decoding, our loss is relatively small, which is a good choice for customers who need high security. Q2: Low-power audio is better understood, but what is the concept of low-power video? A2: The concept of low-power video is actually very easy to understand. We know that in video systems, the most power consumption is not the decoding of DSP. The DSP decoding part only takes about 20% of the whole time. By the 30th, the part that consumes the most power is the part of the screen. This part will consume about 50% of the power. Even so, we still need to reduce the DSP or video hardware of the video when decoding. The power consumption required, the DSP or video hardware of the video, in addition to the power consumption ratio required by itself, is another part of the DSP's bandwidth requirements when it is doing external memory transmission. If the bandwidth requirement is high, it means that it has more memory actions. The more actions it takes, the more power is consumed in the electronic signal. Therefore, if your video solution can reduce the external memory transmission requirements, the overall IC design, The power requirements will be reduced, and our past experience shows that if you can reduce the power consumption of the external memory in the video system, you can reduce it by 3%. Ten, the overall power consumption can be reduced by 10%, the overall power consumption represents the power consumption of the screen. Q3: Excuse me, what is the proportion of audio and video IP in the whole SOC? A3: Audio and video IP accounts for about one-third to one-half of the SOC, because video requires more area to solve. Q4: What special design does the Tensillica processor need when interconnecting with the ARM bus? A4: The connection between Tensillica's processor and external devices is mainly through the PF bus. If the customer needs to connect with the device on the ARM bus, we can also provide the PF bus to the HB or AXI bus regulator. The adjustment process is actually It is very simple and is available from Tensillica. Q5: Excuse me, if you want to integrate audio data in a system, what problems should you pay attention to when designing? A5: There is not much need to pay attention to the integration of audio data in a system. The main thing is to see the user's use of the audio system. If it is said that in a normal situation, the audio part will be used as a protocol. The way the processor handles it, there is no particular difference between the automatic coprocessors and other coprocessors. Q6: What is the specific value of the typical power consumption of low-power audio and video? A6: Generally speaking, low power consumption means that in an IC, the audio and video subsystem cannot consume more than 50% of the total IC. In general, an IC has a power consumption of about 200. 300 watts/minute, so we add up the entire audio and video system, and its power consumption can be reduced to 150 watts/minute. Our current design goal is to reduce the typical power consumption of the audio system to 100 watts/minute. within. Q7: What model does Tensilica use for its IP authorization? Is it the same as ARM? A7: ATM's licensing model is generally available to everyone, and Tensilica is a configurable processor, so we are generally licensed to customers as a soft core, which is the RTL mode. Considering the protection of intellectual property, we may have RTL. Perform encryption processing. However, we also provide users with comprehensive scripts for this RTL and different process vendors as well as processing scripts for back-end processes, so users can easily use our RTL and various integrated and back-end scripts between different vendors. Make a selection. Aspheric Lens,Standard Aspheric Lens,Positive Meniscus Lenses,High Precision Aspheric Lens Danyang Horse Optical Co., Ltd ,