
标题名称: LED户外电子屏采购询价函 招标编号: XPX2009-080 公告日期: 2009年3月18日 截止日期: 2009年3月24日 招标机构: 省 市: 江西省-萍乡市 内 容: 商品名称型 号数量
1户外电子屏 6790×710mm 产地:南昌4.82┫
说明: 1、本次询价项目采用一次性报价。

2、中标后 供应商擅自变更或无故不提供中标产品,将按照《政府采购法》相关规定进行处罚。交货地点在萍乡。



5、请将报价单填写完整后于2009年3月24日上午11:00点钟之前密封至萍乡市招标投标中心政府采购分中心。 公司名称: 萍乡市招标投标中心 联系人: 伍国庆 联系电话: 0799-6882187 E-mail: 传 真: 0799-6881937 邮政编码: 地址: 富丽大厦三楼

DMX Controller

MA Black Horse DMX Controller lighting console

Technical Parameter
1.Intel core 3 generation processor Inter(R) core (TM) i5-3380M CPU
2. 120 GB solid state disk, 8 GB memory, corn I5 motherboard
3.standard 6 DMX output ports and MIDI interfaces, 3072 DMX channels
4. Built-in two 19-inch high-definition touch screens

5.21 program playback putter, 42 program storage function keys
6. 1 main control dimming wheel, 4 attribute coding wheel
7. 1 mian control putter, 2 AB putter
8 Hydraulic screen Angle adjustment support structure
9.size: 82*680*130mm, G, weight: about 56KG with flycase

Our company have 13 years experience of LED Display and Stage Lights , our company mainly produce Indoor Rental LED Display, Outdoor Rental LED Display, Transparent LED Display,Indoor Fixed Indoor LED Display, Outdoor Fixed LED Display, Poster LED Display , Dance LED Display ... In additional, we also produce stage lights, such as beam lights Series, moving head lights Series, LED Par Light Series and

Controller Series,DMX Controller,Console,DMX Console

Guangzhou Chengwen Photoelectric Technology co.,ltd , https://www.cwstagelight.com