11/22kv H Type Medium Angle Pole

Model NO.: MGP-1122MAP
Structure: H Type
We Can Design by Pls & Tower Software: According to Client Desing or Requirement
Trademark: MEGATRO
Specification: AS PER CLIENT
Origin: Shandong, China
HS Code: 73082000
Model NO.: MGP-1122MAP
Structure: H Type
We Can Design by Pls & Tower Software: According to Client Desing or Requirement
Trademark: MEGATRO
Specification: AS PER CLIENT
Origin: Shandong, China
HS Code: 73082000
11/22KV H Type Medium Angle Pole
Our company, QINGDAO MEGATRO HOLDING, CO., LIMITED, is a full service engineering and manufacturing company with a global reputation for delivering excellence and innovation in tower supply. We have over 10 years of experience and innovation in engineering, designing, and building towers.
We design all kinds of towers and posts for:
a.      Telecoms
b.      Power transmission
c.      TV and Radio Broadcast
d.      Roads and City Development
e.      Wind energy solutions
Our complete selection of towers includes:
a.      Self-supporting
b.      Monopoles
c.      Guyed towers
d.      Custom-designed radar towers
e.      Broadcast towers
f.        Power transmission
MEGATRO also designs and manufactures tower related products including:
a.      Fall protection
b.      Antenna brackets
c.      Other accessories if needed by clients
This photo refers to our H type medium angle pole for 22KV transmission line project, mainly for 11/22KV distribution line cherry double pin angle construction steel pole, with technical specification as follow:
-          CONDUCTOR ACSR Cherry.
-          OPGW Diameter = 10,5 mm and 412 kg/m (minimum breaking load 101KV, and max tension as 90% min break load
-          Column made by a section type H with 52.2 kg/m and h = 12.00 mt
-          Cross-arms made by a section type square 75x75x3 long = 2.10 mt
-          The pole was evaluated for the five (5) Conditions of Tree loads
1 Max Wind                                                                                                                  
    2 Break conductor No 1
    3 Break conductor No 2
    4 Break conductor No 3
    5 Wind in Service
-          Pole angel: 16-60°
-          Allowable deflection at pole top: 5% of exposed length
-          Design temperature: minimum 15 degree and maximum +80 degree
The steel used for poles is UC Universal Column Beams Type UC 200 52.2kg/m, 12 m long AS/NZS 3679.1:1996 G300
Our MEGATRO provide and design this type 33KV H type light angle pole, and mainly serve for our overseas client. Since 2004, MEGATRO focus mainly international market and had export many kind of transmission structures to overseas clients. MEGATRO has been manufacturing lattice transmission tower & tapered steel poles for lighting, traffic control, communication and utility applications. MEGATRO pioneered the development of transmission tower, telecom tower, substation, and other steel structure and was also at the forefront in the design of Transmission tower.
MEGATRO performs in-house design activities specializing in electrical overhead transmission &telecom tower steel works, which include wind and earthquake loading, static analysis, stress analysis by finite element methods and fatigue.
Our Engineering Department is boasting of highly qualified engineering who are conversant with international codes and standards. The work is carried out with extensive use of CAE/CAD via a large of computer network. The computer hardware & drafting software are liked to the CNC workshop equipment for downloading of information thereby eliminating error and saving valuable production time.

 MEGATRO is fully equipped and qualified to carry out Design Engineering services which includes:
√ Overhead Transmission line steel tower & Telecom steel tower
   Basic Design and Analysis
√ Shop Erection Drawings
√ As-Built Drawings

For this type H pole, our production as follow:
1 Material
1.1 All steel for pole as Chinese steel Q345
1.2 Pole shaft, bearing plate and top cap will be hot dipped galvanized after fabrication, including all drilling, cutting and welding. Galvanizing shall be done in accordance with the requirements of the specification and the minimum average thickness of coating shall be 86 microns, equivalent to 610g/m2.
1.3 All bolts, nuts and locknuts for top cap, bearing plate and earthing nuts shall be steel grade 46 and comply with requirements of ASTM A 307 and ASTM A563. hot dipped galvanization will in accordance with requirements of specification with minimum average coating thickness 53 microns, equivalent to 381g/m2
1.4 Shearing and cutting shall be performed carefully and all portions of the work shall be finished neatly. Copes and re-entrant cuts shall be filleted before cutting.
1.5 All forming and bending during fabrication shall be done by method that will prevent embrittlement or loss of strength in the material being worked.
1.6 All welding operation shall be done in accordance with Chinese standard.
1.7 Bolt holes as specified in the applicable drawings shall be punched or drilled. Holes maybe punched when the material thickness does not exceed the diameter of the hole. Holes of any diameter maybe drilled, holes shall be cylindrical, perpendicular to the pole shaft, free of burrs, and clean cut without torn or ragged edges. The use of burring torch for cutting holes will not be permitted.
1.8 Extra holes for the purpose of lifting or other than those specified in the drawings shall not be permitted.
1.9 All pre-drilled holes shall be provided with durable ultra-violet resistant, plastic plugs.
1.10 Steel pole will be provided with M12 earthing nut at the location specified in applicable drawings. Hot-dipped galvanized M12X30mm long hexagonal bolt with washers shall be screwed on to the earthing nuts.
1.11 Steel poles will be provided with detachable top cap and base bearing plate. Flat bar with drilled and tapped hole to suit M12 bolt shall be welded to the top and bottom of the pole for attaching the top cap and base bearing plate, respectively. Hot-dipped galvanized M12X30 hexagonal bolts and washers shall be provided for attaching the top cap and base plate.
1.12 Straightness of the pole shaft shall be within 1mm/m and without any twist.
All towers manufactured and design shall be generally in accordance with latest revision of the following standards except where specifically directed otherwise.
IEC 60826  - Design criteria of overhead lines
IEC 60652  - Loading tests on overhead line structures
ISO 1459   - Metallic coatings - Protection against corrosion by Hot Dip Galvanizing
ISO 1461   - Hot dip galvanized coatings on fabricated iron and steel articles
ISO 12944  - Paint coatings, corrosion protection, and structural steelwork
ISO 898-1   - Mechanical properties of fasteners. Part 1-Bolts, Screws and studs
ISO 630    - Structural Steels - plates, wide flats, bars, sections and profiles
ISO 657    - Hot rolled structural steel plates tolerances on dimensions and shape
ISO 7411  - Hexagon Bolts for high strength structural bolting with large width across flats
ISO 657-5   - Hot rolled Structural Steel Sections equal and unequal leg angles
ISO 7452   - Hot rolled structural steel plates tolerances on dimensions and shape
BS EN 50341-1 -Overhead electrical lines exceeding AC 45kV -General Requirements
BS 8004    - Code of Practice for Foundations
BS 8110    - Structural use of concrete
ANSI10-97   - Design of latticed steel transmission structures
IEC 60050 (151)                         International Electro-technical Vocabulary
                                       Part 51 Electrical and Magnetic Devices
IEC 60050 (601)                      Chapter 601: Generation, transmission and distribution of electricity-General
IEC 60050 (601)                    Chapter 601: Generation, transmission and distribution of electricity-Operation
IEC 60059                              IEC standard current ratings
Chinese Standard
1 GB/T2694-2003 Power Transmission line Steel tower - Technical requirements for manufacturing
2 JGJ81-2002 Technical specification for welding for steel structure of building
3 GB9787-88 Measuring and allowable tolerance for hot-rolled equal angle
4 GB709-88 Measuring and allowable tolerance for hot-rolled plate and strip
5 GB/T699-1999 Quality Carbon Structural Steel
6 GB/T1591-1994 Low alloy high strength structural Steel
7 GB700-88 Carbon Structural Steel
8 GB222-84 Method of sampling steel for determination of chemical composition and permissible variations
9 GB/T228-2002 Method for Tensile testing of metals
10 GB/T232-1999 Method for Bending test of metals
11 GB/T5117-1995 Carbon Welding Rod
12 GB/T5118-1995 Low Alloy Welding Rod
13 GB/T8110-1995 Welding wires for gas shielding arc welding of carbon and low alloy steels
14 GB/T10045-2001 Carbon steel flux cored electrodes for arc welding
15 JB/T7949-1999 Weld outer dimensions for steel construction
16 GB50205-2001 Test Standard for Acceptance of Steel Structure
17 GB/T470-1997 Zinc Ingot
18 GB3098.1-2000 Mechanical properties of fasteners-Part 1:Bolts, screws and studs
19 GB3098.2-2000 Mechanical properties of fasteners-Part2: Nuts, and thread
20 GB3098.3-2000 Mechanical properties of fasteners-Part3: Fastening screw
21 GB/T5780-2000 Helical Bolts Grade C
22 GB/T41-2000 Helical Nuts Grade C
23 GB/T90-2002 Flat Washer Grade C
24 GB/T13912-2002 Metal Coating, Technical Requirement and Test Method for Hot-dip galvanized Metal Parts

American Standards:
Standard Description
ASTM A6/A6M Standard specification for general requirements for rolled structural steel bars, plates, and sheet piling.
ASTM - 6    -  General Requirements for delivery of Rolled Steel Plates, Shapes, sheet Piling Bars for  structural used
ASTM A36/A36-M-97a Standard specification for Carbon structural steel
ASTM A123 / A123M-02 Standard specification for Zinc (Hot-Dip Galvanized) Coatings on iron and steel products
ASTM A143 / A143M-03 Standard Practise for Safeguarding Against Embitterment of Hot-Dip Galvanized Structural Steel Products and Procedure for Detecting Embitterment
ASTM A153/ A153M-05 Standard specification for zinc coating (Hot-Dip) on iron and steel hardware
ASTM A - 194  -   Grade for bolt
ASTM A239 Standard practice for locating the thinnest spot in a zinc (Galvanized) Coating on Iron or Steel Articles
ASTM A242 Standard specification for High-Strength Low-Alloy Structural steel
ASTM A307 Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Bolts and Studs, 60000 PSI Tensile strength
ASTM A370-06 Standard Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel Products
ASTM A325 Standard Specification for structural bolts, steel, Heat treated 120/105 ksi minimum tensile strength
ASTM A-325 or A-354  -  Galvanized hexagonal head of  connection bolt
ASTM A325-97 Standard Specification for High-strength Bolts for structural steel Joints
ASTM A384 / A384M-02 Standard Practise for Safeguarding Against Warpage and Distortion During Hot-Dip Galvanizing of Steel Assemblies.
ASTM A394-93 Standard Specification for steel Transmission Tower, Bolts, Zinc Coated and Bare
ASTMA - 563 -    Class and size of nuts
ASTMA - 572   - Chemical composition of steel
ASTM A572/A572-97c Standard specification for High-Strength Low-Alloy Columbium-Vanadium Structural steel
 ASTMA - 615  -   The anchor bolt material
ASTM A673 / A673M-07 Standard Specification for Sampling Procedure for Impact  Testing of Structural Steel
ASTM B201 Standard practice for testing Chromatic coating on Zinc and Cadmium surfaces
ASTM  E94-93 Standard Guide for Radiographic Testing
ASTM E 709-95 Standard Guide for Magnetic Particle Examination
ASCE Manual 72    -  Load testing a simple structure
ASCE 10-97 Standard Design of latticed steel transmission structures
AWS D1.1 American Welding Society D1,1/D1,1M structural Welding code- Steel
ANSI B-182-2 Bolts, nuts and washers dimensions
DIN VDE 0101                       -  Isokeraunic Level
VDE 0201                              - Climatic and environmental   conditions
CVDE 0210                           -  Minimum safety factors under    simultaneous working loads
ISO R898 Mechanical Properties of Fasteners
BS EN ISO 1461:1991 - High dip galvanized coatings on fabricated iron and steel articles. Specifications and standards
A) BS 5950: Welding Terms And Symbols
B) BS 729: Hot - Dip Galvanised Coating On Iron And Steel Articles
C) BS 2901: Filler Rods And Wires For Gas Shielded Arc Welding: Part 1 Ferritic Steels
D) BS 3692: ISO Metric Precision Hexagon Bolts, Screws And Nuts
E) BS 4360: Weldable Structural Steel
F ) BS 5135: Metal - Arc Welding Of Carbon And Carbon Manganese Steel
G) BS 5950: Part 1: Code Of Practice For Loading Latticed Tower & Masts
Part 2: Guide To The Background And Use Of Part 1"Code OF Practice For Loading"
Part 3: Strength Assessment of Members
H) DD 133 (1986): Code Of Practice For Loading Latticed Tower & Masts
I) BS 4592 (1987): Part 2: Specification For Expanded Metal Grating Panels
J) BS 4592 (1977): Code Of Practice For Protective Coating Of Iron And Steel Structure Against Corrosion
K) BS 4190: Bracing & Flanged Bolts
L) BS 4190: Rolled Steel sections, Flats & Plates
Moreover, we also can design tower foundation according to below standard:
BS 8004  - Code of Practice for Foundations
BS 8110  - Structural use of concrete
BS 4449  - Carbon steel bars for the reinforcement of concrete
If any special requirement, we can design and discuss with client.
11/22KV H Type Medium Angle Pole
Our company, QINGDAO MEGATRO HOLDING, CO., LIMITED, is a full service engineering and manufacturing company with a global reputation for delivering excellence and innovation in tower supply. We have over 10 years of experience and innovation in engineering, designing, and building towers.
We design all kinds of towers and posts for:
a.      Telecoms
b.      Power transmission
c.      TV and Radio Broadcast
d.      Roads and City Development
e.      Wind energy solutions
Our complete selection of towers includes:
a.      Self-supporting
b.      Monopoles
c.      Guyed towers
d.      Custom-designed radar towers
e.      Broadcast towers
f.        Power transmission
MEGATRO also designs and manufactures tower related products including:
a.      Fall protection
b.      Antenna brackets
c.      Other accessories if needed by clients
This photo refers to our H type medium angle pole for 22KV transmission line project, mainly for 11/22KV distribution line cherry double pin angle construction steel pole, with technical specification as follow:
-          CONDUCTOR ACSR Cherry.
-          OPGW Diameter = 10,5 mm and 412 kg/m (minimum breaking load 101KV, and max tension as 90% min break load
-          Column made by a section type H with 52.2 kg/m and h = 12.00 mt
-          Cross-arms made by a section type square 75x75x3 long = 2.10 mt
-          The pole was evaluated for the five (5) Conditions of Tree loads
1 Max Wind                                                                                                                  
    2 Break conductor No 1
    3 Break conductor No 2
    4 Break conductor No 3
    5 Wind in Service
-          Pole angel: 16-60°
-          Allowable deflection at pole top: 5% of exposed length
-          Design temperature: minimum 15 degree and maximum +80 degree
The steel used for poles is UC Universal Column Beams Type UC 200 52.2kg/m, 12 m long AS/NZS 3679.1:1996 G300
Our MEGATRO provide and design this type 33KV H type light angle pole, and mainly serve for our overseas client. Since 2004, MEGATRO focus mainly international market and had export many kind of transmission structures to overseas clients. MEGATRO has been manufacturing lattice transmission tower & tapered steel poles for lighting, traffic control, communication and utility applications. MEGATRO pioneered the development of transmission tower, telecom tower, substation, and other steel structure and was also at the forefront in the design of Transmission tower.
MEGATRO performs in-house design activities specializing in electrical overhead transmission &telecom tower steel works, which include wind and earthquake loading, static analysis, stress analysis by finite element methods and fatigue.
Our Engineering Department is boasting of highly qualified engineering who are conversant with international codes and standards. The work is carried out with extensive use of CAE/CAD via a large of computer network. The computer hardware & drafting software are liked to the CNC workshop equipment for downloading of information thereby eliminating error and saving valuable production time.

 MEGATRO is fully equipped and qualified to carry out Design Engineering services which includes:
√ Overhead Transmission line steel tower & Telecom steel tower
   Basic Design and Analysis
√ Shop Erection Drawings
√ As-Built Drawings

For this type H pole, our production as follow:
1 Material
1.1 All steel for pole as Chinese steel Q345
1.2 Pole shaft, bearing plate and top cap will be hot dipped galvanized after fabrication, including all drilling, cutting and welding. Galvanizing shall be done in accordance with the requirements of the specification and the minimum average thickness of coating shall be 86 microns, equivalent to 610g/m2.
1.3 All bolts, nuts and locknuts for top cap, bearing plate and earthing nuts shall be steel grade 46 and comply with requirements of ASTM A 307 and ASTM A563. hot dipped galvanization will in accordance with requirements of specification with minimum average coating thickness 53 microns, equivalent to 381g/m2
1.4 Shearing and cutting shall be performed carefully and all portions of the work shall be finished neatly. Copes and re-entrant cuts shall be filleted before cutting.
1.5 All forming and bending during fabrication shall be done by method that will prevent embrittlement or loss of strength in the material being worked.
1.6 All welding operation shall be done in accordance with Chinese standard.
1.7 Bolt holes as specified in the applicable drawings shall be punched or drilled. Holes maybe punched when the material thickness does not exceed the diameter of the hole. Holes of any diameter maybe drilled, holes shall be cylindrical, perpendicular to the pole shaft, free of burrs, and clean cut without torn or ragged edges. The use of burring torch for cutting holes will not be permitted.
1.8 Extra holes for the purpose of lifting or other than those specified in the drawings shall not be permitted.
1.9 All pre-drilled holes shall be provided with durable ultra-violet resistant, plastic plugs.
1.10 Steel pole will be provided with M12 earthing nut at the location specified in applicable drawings. Hot-dipped galvanized M12X30mm long hexagonal bolt with washers shall be screwed on to the earthing nuts.
1.11 Steel poles will be provided with detachable top cap and base bearing plate. Flat bar with drilled and tapped hole to suit M12 bolt shall be welded to the top and bottom of the pole for attaching the top cap and base bearing plate, respectively. Hot-dipped galvanized M12X30 hexagonal bolts and washers shall be provided for attaching the top cap and base plate.
1.12 Straightness of the pole shaft shall be within 1mm/m and without any twist.
All towers manufactured and design shall be generally in accordance with latest revision of the following standards except where specifically directed otherwise.
IEC 60826  - Design criteria of overhead lines
IEC 60652  - Loading tests on overhead line structures
ISO 1459   - Metallic coatings - Protection against corrosion by Hot Dip Galvanizing
ISO 1461   - Hot dip galvanized coatings on fabricated iron and steel articles
ISO 12944  - Paint coatings, corrosion protection, and structural steelwork
ISO 898-1   - Mechanical properties of fasteners. Part 1-Bolts, Screws and studs
ISO 630    - Structural Steels - plates, wide flats, bars, sections and profiles
ISO 657    - Hot rolled structural steel plates tolerances on dimensions and shape
ISO 7411  - Hexagon Bolts for high strength structural bolting with large width across flats
ISO 657-5   - Hot rolled Structural Steel Sections equal and unequal leg angles
ISO 7452   - Hot rolled structural steel plates tolerances on dimensions and shape
BS EN 50341-1 -Overhead electrical lines exceeding AC 45kV -General Requirements
BS 8004    - Code of Practice for Foundations
BS 8110    - Structural use of concrete
ANSI10-97   - Design of latticed steel transmission structures
IEC 60050 (151)                         International Electro-technical Vocabulary
                                       Part 51 Electrical and Magnetic Devices
IEC 60050 (601)                      Chapter 601: Generation, transmission and distribution of electricity-General
IEC 60050 (601)                    Chapter 601: Generation, transmission and distribution of electricity-Operation
IEC 60059                              IEC standard current ratings
Chinese Standard
1 GB/T2694-2003 Power Transmission line Steel tower - Technical requirements for manufacturing
2 JGJ81-2002 Technical specification for welding for steel structure of building
3 GB9787-88 Measuring and allowable tolerance for hot-rolled equal angle
4 GB709-88 Measuring and allowable tolerance for hot-rolled plate and strip
5 GB/T699-1999 Quality Carbon Structural Steel
6 GB/T1591-1994 Low alloy high strength structural Steel
7 GB700-88 Carbon Structural Steel
8 GB222-84 Method of sampling steel for determination of chemical composition and permissible variations
9 GB/T228-2002 Method for Tensile testing of metals
10 GB/T232-1999 Method for Bending test of metals
11 GB/T5117-1995 Carbon Welding Rod
12 GB/T5118-1995 Low Alloy Welding Rod
13 GB/T8110-1995 Welding wires for gas shielding arc welding of carbon and low alloy steels
14 GB/T10045-2001 Carbon steel flux cored electrodes for arc welding
15 JB/T7949-1999 Weld outer dimensions for steel construction
16 GB50205-2001 Test Standard for Acceptance of Steel Structure
17 GB/T470-1997 Zinc Ingot
18 GB3098.1-2000 Mechanical properties of fasteners-Part 1:Bolts, screws and studs
19 GB3098.2-2000 Mechanical properties of fasteners-Part2: Nuts, and thread
20 GB3098.3-2000 Mechanical properties of fasteners-Part3: Fastening screw
21 GB/T5780-2000 Helical Bolts Grade C
22 GB/T41-2000 Helical Nuts Grade C
23 GB/T90-2002 Flat Washer Grade C
24 GB/T13912-2002 Metal Coating, Technical Requirement and Test Method for Hot-dip galvanized Metal Parts

American Standards:
Standard Description
ASTM A6/A6M Standard specification for general requirements for rolled structural steel bars, plates, and sheet piling.
ASTM - 6    -  General Requirements for delivery of Rolled Steel Plates, Shapes, sheet Piling Bars for  structural used
ASTM A36/A36-M-97a Standard specification for Carbon structural steel
ASTM A123 / A123M-02 Standard specification for Zinc (Hot-Dip Galvanized) Coatings on iron and steel products
ASTM A143 / A143M-03 Standard Practise for Safeguarding Against Embitterment of Hot-Dip Galvanized Structural Steel Products and Procedure for Detecting Embitterment
ASTM A153/ A153M-05 Standard specification for zinc coating (Hot-Dip) on iron and steel hardware
ASTM A - 194  -   Grade for bolt
ASTM A239 Standard practice for locating the thinnest spot in a zinc (Galvanized) Coating on Iron or Steel Articles
ASTM A242 Standard specification for High-Strength Low-Alloy Structural steel
ASTM A307 Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Bolts and Studs, 60000 PSI Tensile strength
ASTM A370-06 Standard Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel Products
ASTM A325 Standard Specification for structural bolts, steel, Heat treated 120/105 ksi minimum tensile strength
ASTM A-325 or A-354  -  Galvanized hexagonal head of  connection bolt
ASTM A325-97 Standard Specification for High-strength Bolts for structural steel Joints
ASTM A384 / A384M-02 Standard Practise for Safeguarding Against Warpage and Distortion During Hot-Dip Galvanizing of Steel Assemblies.
ASTM A394-93 Standard Specification for steel Transmission Tower, Bolts, Zinc Coated and Bare
ASTMA - 563 -    Class and size of nuts
ASTMA - 572   - Chemical composition of steel
ASTM A572/A572-97c Standard specification for High-Strength Low-Alloy Columbium-Vanadium Structural steel
 ASTMA - 615  -   The anchor bolt material
ASTM A673 / A673M-07 Standard Specification for Sampling Procedure for Impact  Testing of Structural Steel
ASTM B201 Standard practice for testing Chromatic coating on Zinc and Cadmium surfaces
ASTM  E94-93 Standard Guide for Radiographic Testing
ASTM E 709-95 Standard Guide for Magnetic Particle Examination
ASCE Manual 72    -  Load testing a simple structure
ASCE 10-97 Standard Design of latticed steel transmission structures
AWS D1.1 American Welding Society D1,1/D1,1M structural Welding code- Steel
ANSI B-182-2 Bolts, nuts and washers dimensions
DIN VDE 0101                       -  Isokeraunic Level
VDE 0201                              - Climatic and environmental   conditions
CVDE 0210                           -  Minimum safety factors under    simultaneous working loads
ISO R898 Mechanical Properties of Fasteners
BS EN ISO 1461:1991 - High dip galvanized coatings on fabricated iron and steel articles. Specifications and standards
A) BS 5950: Welding Terms And Symbols
B) BS 729: Hot - Dip Galvanised Coating On Iron And Steel Articles
C) BS 2901: Filler Rods And Wires For Gas Shielded Arc Welding: Part 1 Ferritic Steels
D) BS 3692: ISO Metric Precision Hexagon Bolts, Screws And Nuts
E) BS 4360: Weldable Structural Steel
F ) BS 5135: Metal - Arc Welding Of Carbon And Carbon Manganese Steel
G) BS 5950: Part 1: Code Of Practice For Loading Latticed Tower & Masts
Part 2: Guide To The Background And Use Of Part 1"Code OF Practice For Loading"
Part 3: Strength Assessment of Members
H) DD 133 (1986): Code Of Practice For Loading Latticed Tower & Masts
I) BS 4592 (1987): Part 2: Specification For Expanded Metal Grating Panels
J) BS 4592 (1977): Code Of Practice For Protective Coating Of Iron And Steel Structure Against Corrosion
K) BS 4190: Bracing & Flanged Bolts
L) BS 4190: Rolled Steel sections, Flats & Plates
Moreover, we also can design tower foundation according to below standard:
BS 8004  - Code of Practice for Foundations
BS 8110  - Structural use of concrete
BS 4449  - Carbon steel bars for the reinforcement of concrete
If any special requirement, we can design and discuss with client.

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