PI Releases IHB's Motor Driver IC Portfolio Helps Reduce System Cost and Weight

On November 13, Power IntegraTIons, a well-known company deeply engaged in the field of high-voltage integrated circuit high-efficiency power conversion, released the motor driver IC product series of BridgeSwitch integrated half-bridge circuit (IHB). BridgeSwitch IC integrates two performance-enhanced FREDFETs (field effect transistors with fast recovery epitaxial diodes) for the upper and lower transistors of the half-bridge circuit, respectively, and has a lossless current detection function, which can make up to 300 W Inverter conversion efficiency of 98.5% in brushless DC (BLDC) motor drive applications. The superior efficiency and distributed cooling approach provided by IHB drives eliminates the need for heat sinks, helping to reduce system cost and weight. With features such as integrated lossless current sensing, bus voltage sensing, and system-level overtemperature sensing, this device family is ideal for BLDC motor drive applications in home appliances. BridgeSwitch devices are suitable for refrigerator compressors, HVAC system fans, and other domestic and light commercial pumps, fans and blowers.

The 600 V FREDFETs used in BridgeSwitch ICs integrate fast, ultra-soft recovery body diodes. This helps greatly reduce switching losses and noise generation, thereby simplifying system-level EMC design. The new high-voltage self-powered half-bridge motor driver IC also features built-in device protection and system monitoring features, as well as a robust one-wire interface for operating status updates, between the motor microprocessor and up to three BridgeSwitch devices communication between them. The upper and lower current limiting points of each BridgeSwitch device can be set individually, thus eliminating the need for a microprocessor and associated peripheral circuits to provide overall system protection in the event of an open or shorted motor winding. The integrated lossless current monitoring feature provides hardware-based motor fault protection, helping to simplify the motor fault protection mechanism to meet IEC60335-1 and IEC60730-1 requirements.

CrisTIan Ionescu-Catrina, Senior Product Marketing Manager, said: "We have re-examined the challenges of the rapidly growing BLDC market, and the increasingly stringent energy conservation standards and regulations around the world, leading to a An innovative solution to simplify the BOM. The new solution not only makes it easy to comply with safety standards, but also simplifies the circuit and reduces development time.”

Additional features of the new device include a PWM operating frequency of up to 20 kHz, while also providing a small-signal output that reflects the precise, real-time magnitude of the FREDFET drain current, whose magnitude mirrors the forward current of the motor winding. Safety features include two-level device overtemperature detection, cycle-by-cycle current limiting for the lower and upper transistors, and DC bus over- and under-voltage protection and reporting. The new device is compatible with all common control algorithms – Field Oriented Control (FOC), sinusoidal control, and trapezoidal control algorithms with sensored and sensorless detection, see reference designs DER-654, DER-653 and DER-749. BridgeSwitch adopts a thin surface-mount InSOP-24C package with a creepage distance greater than 3.2 mm, and can be used for heat dissipation through two exposed pads.

BridgeSwitch IC samples are available now, priced at $1.69 each in quantities of 10,000.

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