Stepping on the blockbuster "Saybo VR" makes the robots spur

To say that the type of VR game is the most is to shoot, in the virtual reality, you can become a special soldier or a savior with extraordinary skills and aliens shoot. Now VR's new tour "Cyber ​​VR" (CYBER VR) will open the eyes of players in a pulley battle mode.

Cyber ​​VR is a multiplayer shooting game. With the game setting set in 2670, you need to protect Globaltek at all costs to capture the first power module. The game takes place in a space similar to the base of a space station. Your enemy is not only other hunter fighters, but also various flying AIs. Although the game is also in the future, AI robots have been added to make this future war even more cruel.

Unlike ordinary VR shooting games, the gameplay of "Saybo VR" has entered the roller skating mode. Stepping on the roller skating to find the dead angle under the 360-degree rotation breaks the enemy and makes the AI ​​of the robot unable to respond to anything. Artifact ~

"Caybo VR" supports single-shot and double-shot modes, and offers shield selection, which can meet the needs of gamers who are fickle gamers. The game supports Simplified Chinese and htc vive.

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