The fifth generation of Gear VR glasses is not the same as usual, millet VR glasses PLAY2 out of the box: the craft is more, the shape is ugly!

At the MWC 2017 conference two months ago, Samsung released the fifth generation of Gear VR glasses. Unlike usual, this time the Gear VR configuration has not improved much, but a new VR handle has been created. But don't underestimate this handle, which can greatly improve the game experience. I believe you also know that the 1-4 generation Gear VR needs to be controlled by the touchpad next to the fuselage. During the control process, the player will feel dizzy, and the VR handle can avoid similar situations. For a better operating experience.

The fifth generation of Gear VR glasses is not the same as usual, millet VR glasses PLAY2 out of the box: the craft is more, the shape is ugly!

With the launch of the Galaxy S8 (non-Chinese market), Oculus also launched the first VR games that support handles for Gear VR, and the number is as many as 20 models.

On April 10, Xiaomi officially launched the new VR glasses PLAY2. The VR device is priced at 99 yuan and was launched on April 19th. As an upgraded version of the first generation of Xiaomi VR glasses Play, Play2 slogan "new upgrade of mobile phone playmates, a small step forward".

Recently, You Media Express Technology got this product and brought it out of the box. The tiger and tiger have reprinted the original text (with revisions) and have a look together.

The fifth generation of Gear VR glasses is not the same as usual, millet VR glasses PLAY2 out of the box: the craft is more, the shape is ugly!

The fifth generation of Gear VR glasses is not the same as usual, millet VR glasses PLAY2 out of the box: the craft is more, the shape is ugly!

The fifth generation of Gear VR glasses is not the same as usual, millet VR glasses PLAY2 out of the box: the craft is more, the shape is ugly!

The fifth generation of Gear VR glasses is not the same as usual, millet VR glasses PLAY2 out of the box: the craft is more, the shape is ugly!

The fifth generation of Gear VR glasses is not the same as usual, millet VR glasses PLAY2 out of the box: the craft is more, the shape is ugly!

The fifth generation of Gear VR glasses is not the same as usual, millet VR glasses PLAY2 out of the box: the craft is more, the shape is ugly!

The fifth generation of Gear VR glasses is not the same as usual, millet VR glasses PLAY2 out of the box: the craft is more, the shape is ugly!

58mm Portable Bill Printer

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