Meng to cry! The laundry robot will come
[PConline News] Recently, a U.S. company has developed a new robot, Personal Robot 2 that will wash clothes. It will find dirty clothes and put them into a basket. Put dirty clothes from the basket into the washing machine. Start washing clothes - take the clothes to the dryer - folded clothes or clothes hangers - and put the clothes in the closet. Personal Robot 2 is a robot produced by Wei Lou Galage. Its predecessor was the PR1 robot developed by Stanford graduate students Eric Berg and Keenan Willowbeck. The R2 price is very high. The retail price in 2011 was as high as 400,000 US dollars, equivalent to 2,454,120 yuan. PR2 is now mainly used for research purposes. PR2 has two arms, each with seven joints. At the end of the arm is a pliers that can be fitted. PR2 relies on the bottom four wheels to move. The PR2's head, chest, elbows, and pliers are equipped with high-resolution cameras, laser rangefinders, inertial measurement units, and tactile sensors. At the bottom of PR2, there are two 8-core computers as the control and communication hub for the hardware of the robot. Two computers are equipped with Ubuntu and ROS. Relying on the powerful ROS platform, PR2 has been able to independently complete a variety of complex tasks. Until now, the PR2 was able to open the door, find the plug and charge itself, open the refrigerator to take out the beer, play simple billiards and more. Editor's comment: Nearly 2.45 million RMB worth of robots, the action is simply swift, and after a few years the price may come down and realize civilianization. This is a blessing to the lazy. For the writer, whether it is practical or not, the key is that the action is awesome! Silver Flex membrane switches are the most common construction for flexible, custom membrane keypads. It is also the most popular Membrane Switch construction due to its affordability, especially when compared to bulky, costly electromechanical switch assemblies. Silver flex membranes switches feature very thin flexible layers of material, of which some layers utilize screen printed silver and carbon conductive inks, and are separated by an adhesive layer. Silver Flex Membrane Switches,1-9 Number Membrane Switch,A-D Membrane Switch,Silver Ink Membrane Switch Dongguan Nanhuang Industry Co., Ltd ,