[Image analysis] How serious is a small waterdrop on LED products?

A blood invisible to the naked eye, but how much water vapor droplets around us can cause damage to the LED lamp bead? Maybe you will be alarmist, but the facts tell us that many LED display accidents are caused by these insignificant droplets.

How serious is a small waterdrop on LED products ?

The moisture in the atmosphere penetrates into the interior of the packaging material of the LED lamp beads by diffusion. When the SMD LED device is mounted on the PCB through the chip, it is flowed into the reflow oven for reflow soldering. In the reflow zone, the entire device should be above 183 degrees 30-90s, the maximum temperature may be 210-235 degrees (SnPb eutectic), the peak of lead-free soldering will be higher, around 245 degrees. Under the high temperature of the reflow zone, the moisture inside the LED device will expand rapidly, the matching between different materials of the device will be lost, and various connections will cause bad changes, which will cause the LED device to peel off or burst, so the device Electrical performance is affected or destroyed.

In the case of severe damage, the appearance of the device is deformed, cracks, etc., and in most cases, it is invisible to the naked eye. But as time goes by, the crack will crack more and more, and eventually the circuit will be bad.

How serious is a small waterdrop on LED products? (illustration)

1. After prolonged exposure in air: moisture penetrates into the device packaging material

2, reflow soldering start: Temp <100 ° C, the surface temperature of the device is increasing, the water slowly gathers to the bonding site

3, with the increase of temperature: Temp>> 100 ° C, water evaporation, pressure sudden increase, leading to stripping

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