San Francisco Bay Bridge Enables World's Largest Dynamic LED Project

The San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge is San Francisco's most important landmark. This ancient cross-sea bridge is now 75 years old and has been a beautiful landscape since its inception. Since the evening of March 5th, it has become the world's largest dynamic LED project. The water surface of about 2 kilometers has become bright and bright, and it has staged a light sculpture show.

The project was designed by the artist LeoVillareal, who named the project thebaylights, which means the lights of the bay. The entire project consists of 25,000 1-inch LED lights, which are 1.8 kilometers long and are fixed on the suspension cable of the bridge. The project cost $8 million and it took a total of two years to lay.

Each lamp is controlled by a computer program, and a variety of dynamic patterns can be combined to ensure that the images that are broadcast are absolutely not duplicated. The pattern of LED lights is based on a randomly generated image program that requires no manual intervention.

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