BLOG: Stimulus funding for LED streetlights; Energy Star gazing

In this weeks World of LEDs Blog, authors discuss the correct way to use stimulus funds to buy LED street lighting, and provide an update on the Energy Star program. Our World of LEDs Blog enables readers to express their opinions on the big news stories.

How to spend your stimulus funds on LED street lighting
In his weekly Postings email, Jim Brodrick, who runs the Solid State Lighting Program for the US Department of Energy, describes how cities across the country are looking to use federal stimulus money to replace their conventional streetlights with LED models.
Read and comment on the article here: Spending your stimulus funds .
While the energy efficiency, durability and long life of LED fixtures can add up to significant savings, and enhance a citys green reputation, the use of LEDs for street lighting is not yet a slam-dunk, says Brodrick. Also, any negative experiences in These early market days could give an undeserved bad name to the entire technology and slow widespread adoption. Brodrick describes the many issues that LED adopters need to bear in mind.

Energy Star Gazing
Brian Owen, Contributing Editor of LEDs Magazine, gives an update on progress in the ENERGY STAR program and the ongoing dispute between DOE and EPA.
See ENERGY STAR Gazing and leave us your comments.

Semiconductor supply chain sees big potential for cost reductions in LED manufacturing
Read the article .
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