DOE releases results from Round 6 of SSL product testing

The latest round of results from the DOEs Commercially Available LED Product Evaluation and Reporting (CALiPER) program are now available online. The US Department of Energy (DOE) has completed Round 6 of product testing through the DOE Solid-State Lighting (SSL) CALiPER Program.
A Summary Report containing the results from Round 6 testing is now available for download on the DOE SSL website at http:// .
The Department allows detailed test results from CALiPER testing to be distributed in the public interest for noncommercial, educational purposes only.
The focus in Round 6 of testing was on small replacement lamps (MR16 lamps, A-lamps, candelabra lamps), as well as a variety of luminaires, including four desk lamps, a downlight, a recessed wall fixture, and two different types of Outdoor products.
These detailed test reports are now available through the searchable on-line CALiPER system at http://

Solar Engergy System

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Solar energy system include Solar photovoltaic system: 1. Off grid photovoltaic system mainly consists of solar modules, controllers, and batteries. To supply power to AC loads, it is also necessary to configure an AC inverter. 2. Grid connected photovoltaic power generation system. 3. Distributed photovoltaic power generation system. Distributed power generation or distributed energy supply.

solar cell type mono crystalline, half cut cell
solar energy pv system include on grid system, off grid system, hybrid system
solar configuration solar panel, inverter, battery, bracket cabels, mc4 connector

Product details and pic

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