Share Skyworth LCD TV 37L01HM silent example - home appliance repair
Skyworth LCD TV 37L01HM The image of this machine is normal and silent. Before the user says that there is no sound, there will be signs of bad. The volume of the sound is much louder than usual, and it is accompanied by a lot of noise, and the volume is adjusted to 1, the sound is noisy. Still very big; open the cover, turn on the power, boot less than 10 seconds, touch the TDA8932BT power amplifier block, I am very hot, quickly shut down; the first feeling is that the power amplifier block is broken, waited for 1 day to send 1 block I thought I was done, installed on the boot, or silent, thinking too simple, or honestly take out the table to look up, short-term measurement of the power amplifier block voltage, found that the left channel output voltage is 0V, obviously not removed The patch capacitor next to it has no effect, and the 1000UF/35V is removed. It is replaced by the long-lost sound of the boot. As the user described, the left channel sound is too large with a harsh noise, and the right channel volume is normal. Continue. Check, in the power amplifier, left and right channel input, inject interference signal, hear the left and right output interference source is the same, determine the power amplifier circuit is no problem, continue to move forward, reach the 358 op amp circuit, finally Repair is completed, as shown below: Wireless Barcode Scanner,Bluetooth Barcode Scanner,Wifi Barcode Scanner,Portable Barcode Scanner ShengXiaoBang(GZ) Material Union Technology Co.Ltd ,