Hide the drive letter + easy to browse there is such a trick
Xiao Bian is discovered, you ah, the computer can not be seen too many people things really, ask every day how to hide files. I remember before using the software to hide the drive letter, use the Windows system to set up the Tibetan file, it seems that the only way to use the registry to hide directly, ah, dereliction of duty, dereliction of duty, to solve it today. Want to use the registry to hide the drive letter, and our previous operation is different is that you must use an administrator-level account to start the registry (or directly use the Administrator account to log on to Windows to set), enter the regedit after Win+R , enter the registry editor, locate directly to: After HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer, create a new DWORD (32-bit) value named "NoDrives" on the right side. Next is the point. If you want to hide the drive letter, you must enter the correct numerical data. It is not as simple as A, B, C, and D. Instead, you must first change the "base number" to decimal, and then enter the following list. The correct number. A=1 B=2 C=4 D=8 E=16 F=32 G=64 H=128 I=256 J=512 K=1024 L=2048 M=4096 N=8192 O=16384 P=32768 Q=65536 R=131072 S=262144 T=524288 U=1048576 V=2097152 W=4194304 X=8388608 Y=16777216 Z=33554432 All = 67108863 After restarting or logging off the current account, the drive letter you want to hide is completely gone. Some people say that this method is not too different from other ones. In the Explorer window, enter a hidden drive letter, such as E:\, you can directly go in, do not have to toss between "hide - cancel - use - continue to hide" back and forth like other methods, convenient? However, it should be noted that the method to unhide can be done without deleting the newly created key value just like any other registry trick. This time we need to modify the new "NoDrives" value data to "0" to be the correct cancellation method.
Piezoelectric ceramic are
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Piezoelectric ceramic are
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