Theologians: Sex robot users have angered God and will go to hell

[NetEase Smart News, September 24] Christian theologians warn that sex robots are the product of "distorted" human beings. Sinners who use them will be sentenced to hell.

As technology advances, the need for hyper-empirical robots made with artificial intelligence (AI) is also soaring. These strange humanoid robots can speak, they are set to have evolutionary personality, and dozens of different sexual gestures can be achieved. There is a sexual robot named Samantha who "likes to be touched" and has eight different modes, including "romantic" and "family mode," which have been sold worldwide. The sex industry is also rapidly changing. The brothel began to provide customers with sex robots instead of human prostitutes.

However, when interviewed by foreign media, some top Christian theologians challenged the purpose of developing and using sex robots.

Dr. Richard Lander, Dean of the Southern Evangelical Theological Seminary in North Carolina, said: “With non-human sexuality is fighting against God, the widespread use of sex robots may bring 'disastrous' consequences to human relationships. Disobeying God's will for sex is the worst sin."

He also said: "The Bible makes it very clear that God created sex and allowed the two to become one. Any sexual relationship that violates this goal is to rebel against God. This includes non-human sexuality, such as robots. Obviously, Non-human sexuality is tantamount to sexual intercourse with animals. This is a misinterpretation of God's will."

Dr. Christopher Benek is a religious commentator and pastor in South Florida, USA. He said that people who have sex with the robot may be separated from God and sent to hell. In traditional Christianity, blind worship of idols or statues is a crime. Therefore, Dr. Belek believes that having sex with a robot, or in other words, having sex with a non-human idol, is considered a crime and will be punished by God.

In an interview with foreign media, he said: “From a Christian perspective, the consequence of having a sexual relationship with a robot is to separate from God. It is getting further and further away from God and ultimately causing us to lose our humanity. We should stop and think carefully. A word from CS Lewis: The door of hell is locked from the inside."

A report from the Foundation of Responsible Robotics has caused concern that the development of erotic robots may lead to an increase in morbid criminality. Some controversial arguments are that sex robots can be used to treat pedophiles, who are tempting children. However, Dennis Hollinger, professor of Christian ethics at the Gordon Conway School of Thought in Massachusetts, dismisses this therapy and calls for the prohibition of child sex robots. He said: "Some people suggest using children's robots as a means of treating pedophilia. This may only further exacerbate the misdirection and abuse of children. Therefore, such robots should be prohibited by law."

Regarding whether sexual robots will one day become sensible (that is, able to see or perceive things), Dr. Rand said: “This is impossible. Robots can only “imitate” the human condition, but they will never With the soul, we may be able to create something that imitates human beings, but we can never create a soul and spirit.The robot is designed to respond to human beings.It worships humans and nourishes people's self-centered personality traits. Obviously, this is a very unhealthy, distorted, counterfeit human."

Dr. Jordi Vallverdú, a computer philosopher and scientist, said that Christian theologians' reaction to sex robots is not surprising. In an interview with foreign media, he said: "Religions have very strange rules about sexual behavior. They regard sex as wrong behavior, but they are also necessary for the reproduction of human society. So when it comes to sex, When the debate on meaning emerges, coupled with new scientific changes such as robotics, these religions will feel uneasy and have expressed their opposition."

When asked if an AI robot can become a member of the church, Dr. Rand bluntly replied: "Impossible." He went on to say: "They are not humans, only God can create people." But Dr. Benek holds different view, he said: "I welcome all the people involved in Christ's redemption as much as possible." (chosen from: dailystar author: Joshua Nevett compile: NetEase see foreign intelligence platform compiler revision: Jayne)

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