Google Unmanned Vehicle Passes Death Valley Heat Test: Normal at 56.6 degrees Celsius

(Original title: Google Unmanned Vehicle Passes Death Valley Heat Test in California: Temperatures up to 56.6 degrees)

According to “Fortune” magazine’s July 15, Beijing time, Waymo, an autonomous company owned by Alphabet, has been testing their cars for nearly a year at high temperatures. Initially, the team tested the cars in a wind tunnel that could imitate almost any weather and later began testing on the road.

This summer, Waymo took the test to a higher level: a long-distance road trip, where the site included the Death Valley in California, where temperatures reached 56.6 degrees Celsius.

This year, the Waymo self-driving car has had a lot of “cold summer heat” and was tested in the snow weather of Lake Tahoe in March.

For heat resistance testing, Waymo's self-driving cars arrived in three hot areas and crossed these areas with three different options. These tests began at the Davis Dam on the border between Arizona and Inner State, which has long, steep roads. From there, the car entered the same hot and busy Las Vegas city and finally came to Death Valley, the lowest point in North America.

For a long time, car manufacturers have conducted extremely hot and cold tests on vehicles to ensure vehicle safety. So in a sense, the Waymo test is just a typical test.

Heat resistance testing is critical for self-driving cars because the autopilot system generates extra heat, while conventional cars do not have this problem, Waymo said on the blog on Friday.

“This kind of testing has convinced us that our car can cool itself at the hottest temperatures and continue to operate even if the engine is full of horsepower and the autopilot system is fully operational.”

In the heat resistance test, the Waymo's car passed the tests of idling, steep slopes and heavy traffic. The company also said that it pushed its car to the limit in these tests, making the air conditioner "run at full speed."

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