Google: VR display needs urgent solution
There are two important factors when virtual reality (VR) involves immersion. The first one is a visual presentation. If the picture is too bad and you cannot believe your eyes, you will not have a chance. The second is audio, otherwise you can't believe your ears. Today, Google is focusing on VR immersion. The prototype design of Google and "one of the leading OLED manufacturers" will enable a huge leap forward in the head-up display, if it is achieved. Google mentioned that it is 10 times higher than the "2.5" pixel 4K TV of any current commercial VR monitor. Google recently announced that it has teamed up with the Vive team and Lenovo to announce a new "independent" VR head-mounted display (HMD) on Google I/O this year. The display technology that can enhance head-up imaging is also related to the project, but Google did not disclose the actual details of the independent project specifications. Google describes visual quality as one of the "unsolved issues" of virtual reality. In addition to Google, Samsung also revealed new screen technologies for OLEDs and LCDs. Its LCD display has a resolution of 3840 x 2160 4K, which will allow VR heads. Significant improvement in display imaging, including the Oculus Rift. eMagin is also presenting OLED displays that can be used for VR HMD and other wearable devices. It is alleged that Google is considering implementing a flexible OLED display for its next generation of Pixel phones, and Microsoft is planning for its own line of Surface products. According to them, potential buyers of these flexible OLED displays include Apple, Google, and Microsoft, the three largest technology giants. In fact, Apple's presence in the rumors is not surprising at all, as it has long been rumored that the iPhone 8 launched next year will use an OLED screen, and the company is also trying to expand its lineup of screen vendors. In any case, LG has never missed this opportunity because of the backing of potential customers with such strong economic strength and ideas. Currently, the company has stepped up research and development and plans to put into mass production in 2018. (Source: Zhongguancun Online) Disposable vape pen Onlyrelx Hero4000 is portable and fashion disposable electronic cigarette, disposable ecigs pen are trending featured vape pen for vapors as it's safety and easy to use. Disposable vape pod,disposable vape, wholesale vape,vape wholesale,vape pen manufacturer and supplier.disposable vape pen,disposable electronic cigarette,disposable ecigs pen,disposable ecigs stick,disposable e-cigs pen,disposable vape factory,disposable vape pod,disposable vape device,vape pen,vape stick, vape wholesale,wholesale vape,customized dispsoable vape pen,customized vape pen,OEM&ODM disposable ecigs pen,disposable electronic cigarette wholesale, wholesale disposable electronic cigarette,distribute vape pen,vape pen distribute,high quality vape pen,high quality vape pod,rechargeable disposable vape pen,refillable vape pen,refilling electronic cigarette,rechargeable disposable electronic cigarette,refillable vape pod,disposable refillable ecigs,disposable refilling e-cigs pen,refillable e-cigs pen Onlyrelx hero4000,Disposable Vape Juice,Mini Disposable Vaporizer Pen,Disposable Vaporizer Pen Shenzhen Onlyrelx Technology Co.,Ltd ,